Programs » Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) 家長會

Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) 家長會

Thank you for your interest in supporting PTO and volunteering at Pantera Elementary School. Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), which is a formal group of parents, teachers, and school staff, aims to improve the educational experience for our children. Our goals include supporting students and teachers, community involvement, student and family welfare, and parent volunteerism. We appreciate your commitment to our school and community. 


Save the Dates- Winter/Spring PTO Meetings

Fridays at 9:15 a.m. in the school cafeteria:

  • Jan 24
  • Feb 28
  • March 21
  • April 18
  • May 2- PTO Volunteer TY Breakfast


Sign up to volunteer today  PTO Volunteer Form.
For more information or questions, please email PTO at [email protected].

Please see our latest monthly newsletter below.


2023 Pantera Parent Volunteer Luncheon 志願者家長感謝午餐會
Many many THANKS to our parent volunteers at Pantera!!! We're so WILD about your support!!!