Our Vision/Mission
After graduation from high school, Pantera students will achieve academic success, social emotional growth, and will attain a fulfilling career in the future that is aligned with their interests and abilities. Students will be prepared to function as empowered members of our society where they show positivity, respect, integrity, determination, empathy.
The Mission of Pantera Elementary School counseling department is to provide a data-driven comprehensive school counseling program that addresses the needs and interests of all students in the Multi-Tier, Multi-Domain System of Supports Model, as it relates to their academic, social-emotional, and college/career development. School Counselors facilitate collaborative and consultation actions with all stakeholders to promote a positive school climate that fosters acceptance of diversity, empathy, integrity for all, and perseverance through all life's challenges. School Counselors advocate for equity and equal access to curriculum for all students so that they have the opportunity to acquire the skills needed in order to achieve success in long-range results for every student.
- All students should have access to a comprehensive school counseling program that is data-driven by professional school counselors to meet the needs of every student.
- The School Counseling Program serves a central role in meeting students' developmental needs through interventions in academic, social/emotional, and career domains.
- That all students regardless of their beliefs, ethnicity, race, gender identify, and special needs should have equitable access to a 21-century education.
- That collaboration with the community, parents, school staff and other valuable stakeholders is pivotal in the success of all students.
- That students will develop core values of compassion, respect and kindness.