Lu Lu » Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 常見問題

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 常見問題

Q&a - Free education icons
Q: What is your program mode? 你的課程模式是什麼?         
A: Our program is a 50/50 mode, which mean daily instructional time will be divided into two equal sections and students receive half of their instructions in English while the other half in Mandarin. The English teacher and Mandarin teacher of each grade level co-teach on every subject, including Language, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, etc. 我們的課程是 50/50 模式,也就是說每天的教學時間將被分成相等的兩個部分,學生的課業一半是用英語教授,另一半是用中文教授。每個年級的英語老師和中文老師共同合作教授每一門學科,包括語言、數學、科學、社會研究、藝術等。
Q: Do the children need to take any enrollment assessment to get into the Mandarin DLI Program? 孩子們是否需要參加任何入學評估才能進入中英雙語課程?
A: Our cut-off line is 1st grade, so if your child(ren) is at the age of kindergarten or 1st grade, they can enroll in the program as long as we have available spots. But if they've passed 1st grade, they will need to take the enrollment assessment for us to determine if he/she is eligible for the program, including both Mandarin & English proficiency assessments. 我們中英雙語課程的截止線是一年級,所以如果您的孩子在幼兒園或一年級,只要我們有名額,他們就可以報名參加此課程。但如果他們已經過了一年級,他們將會需要參加我們的入學評估,以確定他是否有資格參加我們的雙語課程,包括中文和英語水平評估。
Q: Do you teach Traditional- or Simplified-Chinese? 你們教繁體中文還是簡體中文?
A: We teach both Traditional- and Simplified-Chinese at Pantera. The print of our major curriculum is in traditional, but students have access to both versions online. When our Mandarin teachers teach new vocabulary words, they expose both versions to students. Students are allowed to choose which version they'd like to use in tests or free writings, but they need to be consistent in one assignment/assessment. 我們在 Pantera 同時教授繁體中文和簡體中文。我們主要中文課程的印刷品是繁體中文,但學生在課程的線上版本可以自由選擇兩種中文形式。當我們的中文老師教新詞彙時,他們會向學生同時展示兩個形式。學生可以選擇他們想在測試或自由寫作中使用的形式,但他們需要在一項作業/評估中保持一致。
Q: In which grade will the child(ren) learn Pinyin? 孩子在哪個年級學習拼音?
A: Students will be taught Pinyin in the 2nd semester of 2nd grade and it will be practiced and reviewed in every grade thereafter. 學生將在二年級第二學期開始學習拼音,此後每個年級都將練習和復習拼音。
Q: In which grade will the child(ren) learning how to type Chinese? 孩子將在哪個年級學習如何打中文字?
A: Students will learn how to type Chinese and start to use typing in some of their assessments  in 3rd grade. 學生將在三年級開始學習如何打中文字,同時也會以打字的形式參加中文寫作標準考試。
Q: My child(ren) has/have no Chinese background. How can I support him/her at home? 我的孩子沒有中國背景。我在家要如何幫助他?
A: Mandarin learning resources are provided under the Mandarin DLI Program page. You can also ask your child(ren)'s Mandarin teacher(s) for additional resources. 中文學習資源在我們的MDLIP課程頁面上可以找到。您也可以向您孩子的中文老師尋求更多資源。
More questions? Please contact Ms. Lu Lu @(323)917-1068 or [email protected] or schedule a meeting.